Chinese Face Reading Class

Chinese Face Reading Class

Learn Chinese Face Reading to know someone’s personality simply by looking at their face! Includes book, workbook, 2 full days hands-on.

CHINESE FACE READING??? The ancient art and science of Chinese Face Reading is over 5,000 years old, and shares a common origin with Feng Shui, acupuncture, and Traditional Chinese Medicine. In this introductory class, you will learn the meaning of each feature, line, and mark on the face. Based on the Chinese five element cycle, this is a nonjudgemental, affirming approach to understanding personality through facial features. You will learn the five elements – Water, Wood, Fire, Earth, and Metal – and how this lens of understanding will create enhanced self-understanding, harmony in relationships, and motivation and alignment with life’s rhythms.

CLASS DETAILS: The course is over two consecutive Saturdays – April 13 & 20, 2024 – from 9am to 3pm each day. Each class member will receive the book “The Wisdom of Your Face” by Jean Haner, a workbook with class notes, a personal mini-reading, and lots of practical hands-on practice featuring celebrities and class members. All you need to bring is lunch each day and a water bottle that you can fill there.