Hurricane Poker Paddle

Hurricane Poker Paddle

Hey Everyone! just wanted to make sure word was getting out for the Poker Paddle and Silent Auction Fundraiser for Johnson family April 20th at Quail Creek State Park.
I’m Michelle and I’m in charge of running events at Dig Paddlesports 2.0.
I’m looking for participants as well as silent auction donations. All proceeds will benefit the Robert Johnson family of Hurricane Utah. He’s currently in a tough fight with stage 4 liver cancer and can’t work much between treatments and just plain not doing well.
They need help with medical bills. They do have a gofundme set up.
Our goal with this event is to bring the community together to show love and support with a large gathering of awesome people and raise money.
We will have concerts, food, rock painting, and the traditional poker paddle games.
I’d love to see you all there.